Judge Morgan Welch Announces That He’s Running for the Supreme Court


This week, Judge Morgan Welch announced that he is running for a seat at Arkansas Supreme Court. He announced his campaign by sending an email along with the following news and a video. 

Welch said that six weeks ago, he checked with the committee with the idea of seeing what people thought about his campaign. According to reports, the response was humbling and gratifying. He added that people from Arkansas that he talked to want to keep Supreme Court independent and fair to every person. He also used the opportunity to officially announce that he is running for the fourth position in the Supreme Court. 

Welch is currently the sixteenth Division Circuit Judge for two counties in Arkansas. While Welch was in private practice, he participated in over a hundred jury trials, and he is licensed in the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Furthermore, on several occasions, Welch was recognized as one of the best lawyers in the state and in the country. 

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